All patients presenting to B24 requesting to see a physician are required to have their personal healthcare card AND a valid piece of government issued ID. If this is not presented during your visit, it is possible that you will be turned away.
Booked Appointments
Booked appointments are only available to family patients of B24. To book an appointment, please call the clinic at 587-296-3363.
Family patients of B24 are able to access their physicians schedule and request appointments through our secure online booking portal. If you do not have a family physician at this office and attempt to schedule an appointment through the online booking portal, your request will be DENIED. Family patients of B24 can select the “book an appointment” button below, this will redirect you to the secure online booking portal.
Available Appointment Types
A standard appointment at our office is scheduled for 15 minutes. It is important that when scheduling an appointment with our office you are transparent with our front desk staff about your reason for visit, as there are a number of reasons why you may require a longer appointment. If you are not transparent about your reason for visit there is a chance that you will need to reschedule your appointment for a later date.
Standard appointment reasons include, but are not limited to:
Prescription refill / medication discussion
Cold/flu symptoms
Urological issues (bladder)
Dermatology issues (skin)
STI testing
Referral requests
Requisition request (bloodwork / diagnostic imaging)
Ear infection
Eye infection
Substance abuse
Family planning / contraception
Men’s health
In Alberta Chronic Disease is on the rise. Some of the most prevalent chronic diseases that our physicians see in the clinic are:
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Chronic Pain
Heart Disease
Mental Health
There are many high risk behaviours than can lead to some of these chronic conditions. The three highest risk behaviours being: smoking, unhealthy eating and physical inactivity.
Braeside on 24th Medical Walk-In Clinic is working collaboratively with the Calgary West Central Primary Care Network (CWC PCN) to help create strategies to encourage behaviour changes, in an effort to both prevent chronic conditions from occurring in our patients and to help treat those who already suffer from some of these chronic conditions.
Family patients of B24 are able to schedule with our nurse. An appointment with your family physician and a referral are required before an appointment can be scheduled with our nurse. Some issues that our nurse is able to help with include, but are not limited to:
Chronic disease management and education
Support and promotion of healthy lifestyle behaviours and disease prevention
Obesity education and lifestyle modifications
When it comes to mental health issues it is best that you see your family physician whenever possible. If you are unable to see your family physician you can request to be seen by our on call physician.
Reasons to see a health professional for a mental health issue include, but are not limited to:
Adjustment Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Panic Disorder/Panic Attacks
Social Anxiety
Whenever possible, it is best to see your family physician for all health issues. That being said, we understand that for certain issues you may prefer to see a female physician.
Dr. Kelsey Stearns runs a Women’s Health Clinic through our office. Established and walk-in patients are able to utilize this service. If you are a female patient who wishes to see a female physician for a women’s health issues please call the clinic at (587) 296-3363 and request an appointment with Dr. Kelsey Stearns. When booking an appointment through our Women’s Health Clinic, you will be required to disclose the reason for your visit.
Some common reasons for a women’s health visit include, but are not limited to, the following:
Breast cancer screening
Pelvic pain
PAP smear
STI testing
Urinary problems
Menstrual issues
IUD consultation / insert / removal
Nexplanon implantation
Dr. Jagdeep Doulla offers Cosmetic Botox Injections through our clinic. A booked consultation is required. Please call the clinic at (587) 296-3363 to request an appointment today.
A booked appointment with your family physician is required in order to have a form completed or a letter prepared. There is no guarantee that your request will be completed during your visit, as forms and letter preparation are done on a case by case basis.
Common forms/letters include, but are not limited to:
Sick note / doctors note
Drivers Medical
Pre-employment medical exam & report
Fitness for summer camp, daycare, travel, etc
Disabled Parking Placard application / renewal
Insurance forms
Disability Tax Credit application
Attending Physicians Statement
Pregnancy leave forms
EI forms (unemployment)
If you do have a form completed or a letter prepared, there is a charge - see our billing and uninsured services page for more information on the charge for this service.
A complete physical check-up is recommended to all patients, at a minimum, every 2-3 years. This timeline may differ depending on your medical history. Check with you family physician to find out what your recommended time between complete physical check-up’s is.
Complete physical check-ups are not your average clinic visit and they require more time than a typical visit. For this reason, all complete physical check-ups need to be booked through our front desk staff, this can be done over the phone or in office.
Whenever a workplace injury occurs it is important that you consult a physician, regardless of how serious you feel the injury is. Many workplace injuries are ones that occur gradually over time, so the sooner you see a physician about the injury the better. It is important to have it on record that the injury occurred at work - if this is not done and something happens outside of the workplace to worsen the injury it becomes difficult to determine how the injury started and may affect your ability to receive employment benefits.
If you come in to see a physician for a work related injury you need to inform the front desk staff of such so that the correct paperwork can be completed.
Periodic growth checks are important to ensure that your child is reaching the appropriate milestones for their age, as well as to detect any chronic conditions early. Check with your family physician to find out when your child is due for their next growth check.
Growth checks are not your average clinic visit and they require more time than a typical visit. For this reason, all growth checks need to be booked through our front desk staff, this can be done over the phone or in office.
Many Obstetricians do not take over prenatal care until the third trimester - depending on your medical history and risk factor they may take over your care early. Prior to having your prenatal care taken over by an Obstetrician it is important that you see a physician regularly regarding your pregnancy. Check with your physician to find out how often you should be having a prenatal check-up and to have a referral sent off to an Obstetrician.
Prenatal check-ups are not your average clinic visit and they require more time than a typical visit. For this reason, all Prenatal check-ups need to be booked through our front desk staff, this can be done over the phone or in office.